Telegram, a privacy and security focused social messaging platform developed by Pavel durov and Nikolai durov initial release on August 14, 2013 since then with in few years it received millions of users thanks to it’s advanced and futuristic features that’re not available on most social messaging platforms including WhatsApp.
WhatsApp is well known top messaging platform where you can do unlimited messaging and calls same as telegram but there are some limitations and drawbacks on WhatsApp due to that you can’t get full-fledged control on your calls and messages like for instance you can’t delete a WhatsApp message once sent after 7 minutes including that there are alot of features missing in WhatsApp that are available on Telegram.
Telegram allows you to delete messages whenever you want even after years in addition you can also start a private conversation with someone with self destruct timer where messages will auto expire and leave no traces on Telegram servers including that no one can take screenshots or record your messaging history but In case you don’t believe and trust Telegram then you can use VPNs or add socks and proxies etc to root traffic through secure layer and get much better security and privacy.
Most social messaging platforms allows you to create channels to broadcast content and groups to chat with people together but they put members limit like 100 or 1000 members due to that if you have big community then you have to create several channels or groups on one social messaging platform that is bit hard to manage but on Telegram you can create numerous channels and groups and each one can have upto 200,000 members isn’t cool and amazing?
There are thousands of official and unofficial bots on Telegram of almost all categories developed using Telegram public API which are made using many programming languages and technologies like artifical intelligence to provide alot of useful features which not just manage your telegram account but also simply your real life works in ease.
Especially, on Telegram you can upload any file of upto 2GB size which can be extended to 4GB with Telegram Premium that was recently launched on June 10 which can double features and bypass limitations on a freemium Telegram but generally Telegram Premium subscription is not required by normal users unless you run thousands of big telegram channels and groups and send huge files to users.
Meanwhile, WhatsApp being holding #1 social messaging platforms for more then decade with billions of downloads and millions of users per day yet you can only send upto 16MB size file as of now which is one of the main reason people leaving WhatsApp and other low size limit social messaging platforms and getting into Telegram.
From past few years, mainly after WhatsApp changed its policies that are not privacy friendly so millons of people left WhatsApp and came to Telegram due to that Telegram has more people to serve which is why Telegram started working even harder to provide new interesting features much faster then before.
Even though, Telegram always strive to provide more features regularly yet there are some features missing that are required by certain percentage of users that will be added by Telegram in future upgrade but as of now they are not available so to get them some telegram users using unofficial Telegram forks.
Unofficial Telegram forks are build by third party developers using Telegram official API where they may change user interface if required and provide extra features that are not available on official Telegram app which is why alot of people now a days using unofficial Telegram forks over official Telegram app.
Recently, we found a telegram fork named exteraGram that has numerous awesome extra features that are neither available on official Telegram app and other unofficial Telegram forks , so do you like it? are you interested in exteraGram a unofficial fork of Telegram ? If yes let’s explore more.
• exteraGram official support •
– GitHub
Website :
Email : [email protected]
• How to download exteraGram •
It is very easy to download exteraGram from these platforms for free.
• exteraGram key features with UI / UX overview •
– Open exteraGram then tap on Start Messaging.
– Select country and enter your phone number then tap on ->
– Here, you ca tap on Proxy settings and add proxies or socks.
– Now, you’ll receive a 5 digit OTP to your official Telegram app or phone number check it and enter here.
– You’re in exteraGram then tap on ≡
– Tap on Settings.
– Here, you will get exteraGram features that you can enable or disable to get much better experience on Telegram.
Atlast, this are just highlighted features of exteraGram there may be many hidden features in-build that provides you external benefits to give the ultimate usage experience, anyway if you want one of the best Telegram fork then exteraGram is one go worthy choice.
Overall, exteraGram is same as Telegram comes with light and dark mode with numerous themes and fonts by default and options to add and change them it has clean interface that ensures user friendly experience but in any project there is always space for improvement so let’s wait and see will exteraGram get any major UI changes in future to make it even more better as of now it’s nice.
Moreover, it is definitely worth to mention exteraGram is one of the very few unofficial Telegram forks out there on internet that which provide many extra awesome, yes indeed if you’re searching for such unofficial Telegram fork then exteraGram has potential to become your new favourite choice for sure.
Finally, this is exteraGram a experimental unofficial Telegram fork based on official Telegram sources made in Russia to make you exterilicious, are you an existing user of exteraGram? If yes do say your experience and mention which feature of exteraGram you like the most in our comment section below, see ya 🙂